Russian Humanists open International
Summer School
Every Child A Wanted Child: A
Humanist Manifesto
When this paper was first written (but not
published) in 2008, the situation for women’s
reproductive rights was threatening. Now, almost
three years later, the situation is much worse—the
word “dire” is not too extreme.
The abuse of the witch children of Akwa
Ibom State
The Institute for Science and Human Values is an
international organization devoted to the global
advancement of science, reason, and humanist
values. Naturally, we were appalled to hear how
children accused of witchcraft in Akwa Ibom State
are cast out of their families, beaten, tortured,
maimed, and murdered.
Eight-Year-Old Scientists
The eight to ten year olds investigated the way
bumblebees see colors and patterns,
Hospital punished and nurse
excommunicated for performing a legal,
life saving abortion.

Cognitive scientist Stephen
Pinker spoke at the University
of Buffalo to inaugurate the
new Paul Kurtz lecture series.

On Monday, March 25, 2013, from 6:30
pm to 9:30 pm, Nigerian humanist and
human rights activist Leo Igwe will speak
at the Hackney Picture House, 270 Mare
Street, E8 1HE, London, England.

ISHV's Norm R. Allen Jr. speaking at
the first Atheists and Agnostics Convention in
South East Asia
Read More
Sheldon F. Gottlieb, Ph.D.
Before you consign me to Bellevue because of the
contents of this essay, I assure you I did not have a
hallucinatory epiphany while on my way to
Emmitsburg, MD - about 10 miles south of
Gettysburg, PA and thinking about Tennessee’s
latest religious fundamentalist attack on science
and reason and an association with Abraham
Read More
Toni Van Pelt will be speaking at
June 23rd
950 Dr Martin Luther King Jr St N Ste 102, Saint
Petersburg, FL 33702
We're going to be introducing you to I am Choice.
We'll have several prominent leaders in the
feminist community speaking about the
importance of this campaign.
We'll also have an opportunity for you to
document why Choice is important to you.
Oh and there will be cupcakes and ice cream.
Come on down and show your support for choice!
Ayele Hunt, campaign manager for I AM
R. Mona Leza, Local Poet
Wendy Grassi, Director of Public Affairs for
Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central
Liz Prisley, Local Poet
Toni Van Pelt, Southeast Regional Director of the
National Board for NOW and Public Policy
Director for the Institute for Science and Human
Stuart Jordan
ISHV President

Nigerian humanist activist and hero Leo Igwe,
founder of the Nigerian Humanist Movement, is
touring the U.S. from July 6-17, 2012. He will
speak in California, Nevada, Missouri, and Texas.
On July 4, 2012, officers from the Delhi Police
went to the home of Indian skeptic Sanal
Edamaruku to arrest him. The Mumbai
Metropolitan Magistrate Court issued his arrest
warrant. Because Edamaruku was not at home, no
arrest could be made.
Free Thought film festival

Paul Kurtz Receives Enthusiastic Welcome in New Orleans
On Saturday, November 19, 2011, Paul Kurtz spoke at a receptive and thrilled gathering hosted by the New Orleans Secular Humanist Association. Kurtz discussed the need for personal morality and reason in guiding human beings to ethical excellence. Furthermore, Kurtz discussed the importance of exuberance in the life of the individual
ISHV Mourns the Loss of Our Founder Paul Kurtz
We grieve the death of our ISHV
Founder, Professor Paul Kurtz. Paul died
at his home in Amherst, New York on
October 20 at the age of 86 of causes
most likely associated with progressive
cardiac failure. I'm sure I speak for all of
us in offering condolences to Paul's wife
Claudine, his son Jonathan - also on the
ISHV Board - and to all other members
of Paul's family. This is a difficult time of
trial for all of them, and ISHV offers
whatever help we can give to ease the
adjustment this period entails.
It is impossible to summarize in a few
words all of
Paul's achievements as an
international humanist leader
. Many of
these achievements will no doubt be
noted when an appropriate memorial is
held to honor his memory. It is not an
exaggeration to say that Paul was the
most prominent and effective leader of
the global - Paul would have preferred
"planetary" - secular humanist movement
since the time of John Dewey; and Paul
was a far more effective organizer than
even Dewey. People often fail to realize
what a profound impact a great public
figure has had until that figure is gone.
The spontaneous outpouring of tributes to
Paul during the first two days following
his demise speak volumes to that. Two
outstanding notices have been published
the New York Times
and the
Associated Press
In the weeks before his death Paul was
excited to be helping us plan our next
"The Human Prospect and
the Fate of Our Planetary Civilization"
be held April 12-13, 2013 at Columbia
University in New York City. He was
looking forward to returning to his
for this special event.
The official statement and obituary from
the Kurtz family and Prometheus Books
can be found
From us in ISHV we can now say:
"Thank you Paul for what you have done
for us, for your vision and your passion,
and for advancing the freethought
movement that we all cherish. We will
always remember you, honor you, and
stay true to the vision for a better, more
humanistic world for people that you
always defended. You will be long
remembered and greatly missed.
Religious Freedom Day
Monday, January 16, 2012, marks the celebration
of the birthday of Martin Luther King. However, it
also marks the celebration of Religious Freedom
Day. This special day honors the Virginia Statute
for Religious Freedom passed by the Virginia
General Assembly on January 16, 1786. (Thomas
Jefferson wrote the law in 1777, and it was
introduced to the Assembly in 1779.)
The law defends freedom of thought, freedom of
conscience, and the separation of church and state.
It was the predecessor to the First Amendment
right of religious freedom. It regards religious
freedom as a natural right, and maintains that no
one may be forced to attend church or to support a
place of worship with taxes.
In this day, it is especially important that
Americans celebrate this special day. Threats to
religious liberty have never been greater.
Conservative Christians are attempting to prevent
Muslims from building mosques.
In several U.S. states Conservative Christian
politicians are attempting to pass laws against
Sharia law, even though it poses no threat to the
nation. Indeed, the 10
Circuit Court of Appeals
recently ruled against Oklahoma’s proposed anti-
Sharia law, finding that Sharia was no threat to the
state. Influential politicians such as Newt Gingrich
have led such efforts that discourage the growth of
Islam and, at least inadvertently, promote
Please join the Institute for Science and Human
Values by contacting President Obama and your
U.S. senators and representatives and local
politicians to ask for their support in keeping
church and state separate
2011 Paul Kurtz Lecturer Examines
Materialism, Naturalism and Nihilism
On October 20, 2011, philosopher Louise Antony
of the University of Massachusetts delivered a
scholarly presentation for the 2011 “Paul Kurtz
Lecture” at the State University of New York at
Buffalo. Her lecture was titled
Naturalism and Nihilism.
Dr. Antony is the author of many impressive works.
She contributed an excellent article to the book
Is Goodness without God Good Enough?
book was based on a debate between Kurtz and
Christian apologist William Lane Craig.
In Defense of the Nigerian Humanist Movement
The Institute for Science and Human Values stands
with the Nigerian Humanist Movement (NHM) in
their legitimate attempt to register their
organization in their nation. For several years, the
NHM has gone through bureaucratic red tape in
fruitless efforts to gain legal status for their group.
Dying without Deity Perspectives on Death and Dying Symposium Promises to be an eye opening symposium. These topics have not been explored in one place, at one time, anywhere before. Walk out of Columbia University one of a few self believers informed and armed with solutions to deal with many of the end of life issues that our communities face. Program to Date •Disclosure of the discrimination nontheists experience when a relative or loved one has died including narratives that have been submitted to the Anti-Discrimination Support Network. •An examination of religious discrimination in New York's, Florida's and California's medical facilities and discussion of the changes needed in order for the secular community to receive the same recognition and support as is provided to the religious community. •How to prevent unwanted religious intrusion through advance directives. •Is there a role for a secular humanist chaplaincy? •Should one donate their organs upon death? How does one benefit from doing so? •As opposed to end of life suicide there is despair suicide. What are the considerations of ending one's life in despair suicide? What of the loss of one's community and one's future self? Philosophical antecedents to these ideas through history will be shared. •Do people have the right to die by committing end of life suicide? Who has the right to tell people that they should not embrace the choice to end their lives? Anyone? No one? •Learn of secular ways to deal with one's own death. An exploration of Graeco-Roman philosophy's take on the last stage of life and how one can profit from an update on this ancient wisdom. •How can one both mourn and celebrate the death of a loved one? ISHV is extending a ten percent discount for early registration until February 15. Stay at the Aloft Hotel for only $199 a night available until March 8. Hurry! Don't miss out on these reduced prices. Register today. And yes, ISHV is offering the discount on the membership price, too. See you there.
© Institute for Science and Human Values