

The International Academy Of Humanism


Founded by Paul Kurtz

The International Academy of Humanism was established to recognize distinguished humanists and to disseminate humanistic ideals and beliefs. The members of the academy, listed below:

  1. are devoted to free inquiry in all fields of human endeavor,

  2. are committed to a scientific outlook and the use of the scientific method in acquiring knowledge, and

  3. uphold humanist ethical values and principles.

The academy's goals include furthering respect for human rights, freedom, and the dignity of the individual; tolerance of various viewpoints and willingness to compromise; commitment to social justice; a universalistic perspective that transcends national, ethnic, religious, sexual, and racial barriers; and belief in a free and open pluralistic and democratic society.

Humanist Laureates

         Pieter Admiraal (MD—Netherlands)

         Shulamit Aloni (Minister of Education—Israel)

         Ruben Ardila (Univ. de Colombia—Colombia)

         Margaret Atwood (author—Canada)

         Kurt Baier (Univ. of Pittsburgh—USA)

         Etienne Baulieu (French Inst. of Health & Medical Rsch—France)

         Baruj Benacerraf (Dana-Farber Cancer Institute—USA)

         Elena Bonner (human rights advocate—Russia)

         Jacques Bouveresse (Collège de France—France)

         Paul D. Boyer (Univ. of California, Los Angeles—USA)

         Mario Bunge (McGill Univ.—Canada)

         Jean-Pierre Changeux (Collège de France—France)

         Patricia Smith Churchland (Univ. of California, San Diego—USA)

         Richard Dawkins (Oxford Univ.—UK)

         José M. R. Delgado (Univ. of Madrid—Spain)

         Daniel C. Dennett (Tufts University—USA)

         Jean Dommanget (Royal Observatory—Belgium)

         Ann Druyan (author, lecturer, producer—USA)

         Umberto Eco (Univ. of Bologna—Italy)

         Luc Ferry (Sorbonne—France)

         Yves Galifret (Union Rationaliste—France)

         Johan Galtung, (Univ. of Oslo—Norway)

         Murray Gell-Mann (Nobel Laureate, Sante Fe Inst.—USA)

         Vitaly Ginzburg (Moscow State University—Russia)

         Rebecca Goldstein (author, professor, Trinity College—USA)

         Adolf Grünbaum (Univ. of Pittsburgh—USA)

         Jürgen Habermas (Univ. of Frankfurt—Germany)

         Margherita Hack (astronomer, astrophysicist—Italy)

         Alberto Hidalgo Tuñón (Univ. de Oviedo—Spain)

         Donald Johanson (Inst. of Human Origins—USA)

         Sergei Kapitza (Moscow Inst. of Physics and Technology—Russia)

         George Klein (Karolinska Inst.—Sweden)

         György Konrád (author—Hungary)

         Sir Harold W. Kroto (University of Sussex—UK)

         Ioanna Kuçuradi (FISP—Turkey)

         Thelma Lavine (George Mason Univ.—USA)

         Richard Leakey (activist and conservationist—Kenya)

         Jean-Marie Lehn (Université Louis Pasteur—France)

         Elizabeth Loftus (professor, Univ. of California/Irvine—USA)

         José Leite Lopes (Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas—Brazil)

         Adam Michnik (author—Poland)

         Jonathan Miller (OBE, MD, author—UK)

         Taslima Nasrin (MD, author—Bangladesh)

         Elaine Pagels (professor, Princeton Univ.—USA)

         Steven Pinker (Harvard Univ.—USA)

         Dennis Razis (MD—Greece)

         Marcel Roche (Inst. de Investigaciones Científicas—Venezuela)

         Salman Rushdie (author, MIT—USA)

         Fernando Savater (philosophy educator—Spain)

         Peter Singer (Princeton Univ.—USA)

         Jens Chr. Skou (Univ. of Aarhus—Denmark)

         J. J. C. Smart (Australian National Univ.—Australia)

         Wole Soyinka (Nobel Laureate, author—Nigeria)

         Barbara Stanosz (Inst. “Ksia˛z·ka i Prasa”—Poland)

         Jack Steinberger (physicist—Switzerland)

         Thomas S. Szasz (State Univ. of New York—USA)

         Sir Keith Thomas (Oxford Univ.—UK)

         Rob Tielman (Univ. of Utrecht—Netherlands)

         Lionel Tiger (Rutgers Univ.—USA)

         Neil deGrasse Tyson (scientist, Hayden Planetarium—USA)

         Mario Vargas Llosa (author—Perú)

         Simone Veil (former president, European Parliament—France)

         Gore Vidal (author—USA)

         Mourad Wahba (Univ. of Ain Shams—Egypt)

         James D. Watson (author, biologist—USA)

         Steven Weinberg (Univ. of Texas, Austin—USA

         Harvey Weinstein (co-founder of Miramax—USA)

         G. A. Wells (Univ. of London—UK)

         Edward O. Wilson (Harvard Univ.—USA)


         George O. Abell

         Steve Allen

         Isaac Asimov

         Sir Alfred J. Ayer

         R. Nita Barrow

         Sir Isaiah Berlin

         Brand Blanshard

         Sir Hermann Bondi

         Bonnie Bullough

         Arthur C. Clarke

         Bernard Crick

         Francis Crick

         Milovan Djilas

         Paul Edwards

         Sir Raymond Firth

         Joseph F. Fletcher III

         Antony Flew

         Betty Friedan

         Stephen Jay Gould

         Herbert Hauptman

         Christopher Hitchens

         Sidney Hook

         Lawrence Kohlberg

         Paul Kurtz

         Franco Lombardi

         Jolé Lombardi

         André Michael Lwoff

         Paul B. MacCready, Jr.

         Ernest Nagel

         Conor Cruise O’Brien

         George Olincy

         Indumati Parikh

         John Passmore

         Octavio Paz

         Chaim Perelman

         Sir Karl Popper

         W. V. Quine

         Max Rood

         Richard Rorty

         Carl Sagan

         Andrei Sakharov

         Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.

         Svetozar Stojanovic

         V. M. Tarkunde

         Richard Taylor

         Sir Peter Ustinov

         Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.

         Lady Barbara Wooton


         Valerií A. Kuvakin (Moscow State Univ.--Russia)

         Gerald A. Larue (Univ. of Southern California--USA)

         Jean-Claude Pecker (Collège de France--France)











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