Board Members
Coordinating Committee

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Inspired by Empathy and Creativity, guided by Reason
Paul Kurtz, Founder Jonathan Kurtz, Chairman

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© Institute for Science and Human Values
Founder: Dr. Paul Kurtz [1925-2012] Professor of philosophy (retired emeritus) at the State University of New York at Amherst (Buffalo) and founder of the Center for Inquiry Transnational and Prometheus Books. He was a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and humanist laureate and president of the International Academy of Humanism.
Chairman: Jonathan Kurtz President of Prometheus Books
President and Public Policy Director
Vice President Vince Parr Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist, postdoctorate at the Albert Ellis Institute and a co-founder of the Institute for Science and Human Values (ISHV).
D. J. Grothe board member has lectured widely on topics at the intersection of science and ethics at dozens of universities including Stanford, Harvard, Yale, UCLA and UC Berkeley. Once a professional magician, with special interests in the psychology of belief and processes of deception and self-deception, Grothe is formerly president and CEO of The James Randi Educational Foundation and served as vice president at the Center for Inquiry.
Directors: Soma Ilangovan M.D., (Gastroenterolgy), Founder, Director of Periyar International,USA Saroja Ilangovan M.D., retired neuropathologist from Cook County Hospital, Chicago, Illinois Robert Tapp Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Humanities, University of Minnesota, associate editor of Human Prospect. Stuart Jordan Ph.D., Senior staff scientist (retired emer.) NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
International Advisory Board: Mona Abousenne, Professor of English Literature, Faculty of Education, English Department, Ain Shams University, Egypt James E. Alcock, Ph.D., York University, Canada Gwen W. Brewer, Ph.D., Prof. Emer., Calif. State University, Northridge Arthur Caplan, Ph.D., Prof. (Bioethics), University of Pennsylvania J. Beth Ciesielski, Ex. Dir. Fundatia Centrul pentru Constiina Critica, Romania Margaret Downey, Founder, Freethought Society of Greater Philadelphia Sanal Endamaruku, Indian Rationalist Association Hugo Estrella, Founder, Argentine Humanist Asscoiation/Co-Founder International Liasion Committee of Atheists and Freethinkers Professor and researcher, Pisa University (Italy) Valerie Fehrenbach, Ph.D., clinical psychologist Rebecca Newberger Goldstein, Ph.D., philosopher, author Sheldon F. Gottlieb, Ph.D., retired educator, Scientist (Physiologist, Biologist) Douglas J. Grothe, President, James Randi Educational Foundation James A Haught, Exec. Editor, The Charleston Gazette Leo Igwe, Founder, Nigerian Humanist Movement Soma Ilangovan, M.D. (Gastroenterology), Founder, Director of Periyar International, USA. Leon Jaroff, former science editor Times and Discover Lawrence Krauss, Ph.D., Foundation Prof. (Theoretical Physics) Ariz. State University Valerie Kuvakin, Prof. Moscow State University Elizabeth Loftus, Ph.D., Distinguished Prof. (Psychology), University of Calif. at Irvine Innaiah Narisetti, Prof. Hydrabad University, India Jean-Claude Pecker, Ph.D., astronomer, College de France Steven Pinker, Ph.D., Harvard College Professor and Johnstone Family Professor in the Department of Psychology at Harvard University Howard Radest, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of Philosophy at the University of South Carolina-Beaqufort James Randi, Founder, James Randi Educational Foundation Robert Tapp, Ph.D., Professor emeritus of Humanities, Religious Studies, and Soth Asian Studies, University of Minnesota Carol Tavris, Ph.D., Fellow, American Psychological Assn. Lionel Tiger, Ph.D. Prof. (Anthropology), Rutgers University K. Veeramani, M.A., B.L., President, Dravidar Kazhakam and Pro Chancellor Periyar Maniammai University Mourad Wahba, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University, Egypt
Coordinating Committee: J. Beth Ciesielski, Ex. Dir., Fundatia Centrul pentru Constiinta Critica, Romania Marcia Cohen, P.A., attorney and mediator, pro bono attorney to ISHV Elizabeth Daerr, Environmental Business Owner, Former Ex.Dir. CFI Washington DC Stanley Friedland, Ed.D., Educator; Educational Consultant Innaiah Narisetti, Prof., Hydrabad University, India. Joe Beck, Founder, Humanists of the Treasure Coast
Toni Van Pelt is co-founder, president and Congressional lobbyist. She launched and directed one of the first public policy offices of the secular humanist movement in Washington DC, focusing on the importance of science, the use of empirical evidence as the basis for public policy, separation of church and state, secularism, and women’s and LGBTQI rights. She regularly presents on a variety of issues including proposed federal legislation and regulations, human rights, how to effectively participate in federal and state government, how to lobby legislative bodies and on the United Nations Convention to Eliminate Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). As a secular humanist and feminist activist, she serves on the board of the Institute for Humanist Studies and on many of the boards and committees of the National Organization for Women.