Alex Jones, Bigotry, Falsehoods, and “Censorship”
Deo Ssekitoleko – Humanist Pioneer
What White Supremacy Really Means
The Nuwaubian Nation and Reactionary Black Nationalism
Donald Trump vs. Good Science
Black Music, Skepticism, Humanisim and Secularism
Religion and the Mis-Education of the Negro
The Trouble with Southern Baptists
Why Do So Many Progressive Theists Stick with Reactionary Churches?
Why I Promote Freethought, Atheism, and Humanism
Why Doesn’t Widespread Christian Hypocrisy Lead to More Doubt?
Christian Bigotry, Intolerance and the Sources of Morality
Follow Your Passion – and Let Go if Necessary
Inexpensive Sex and Its Impact Upon Society
Comedy and Religion
Donald Trump: The True Divider
What Black History Month Means to Me
Thoughts on Black Religion
Speaking with Historical Figures
A Socratic Dialogue with the Almighty God
Monuments and Their Messages
Questions for Deists, Pantheists, Panentheists, Religious Humanists (and Some Agnostics)
Are Women and Men Exactly the Same?
Dick Gregory: The Greatest Black Conspiracy Theorist of All Time
Giving Theists All They Can Handle
Is the Bible Really From God?
Making Progress by “Correcting the Bible”
Evolution: Still Terrifying Religionists After All These Years
Humanism for Head and Heart
Happily Defending Science and Reason - A Book Review
Blacks, Slavery, the Bible and History
Donald Trump and Louis Farrakhan: Bosom Buddies?
The Rage of a Black Atheist
Skepticism and Black Beliefs
A (Freethinking) Woman's Worth
Filling in the God of the Gaps
Farrakhan’s Folly About Acts of GOD
Conservative Christians, ‘Beauty and the Beast’ and Progress
The Nation of Islam is A Hate Group
Donald Trump: Humanism's (and Humanitarianism's) Worst Nightmare
Beyond Mere Religious Hypocrisy To Power And Treachery
What would Count as Evidence for Theism or Biblical Inerrancy?
What would Count as Evidence against Theism or Biblical Inerrancy?
Doubt from a Black Perspective
From One Fascist to Another
Black Unity, Black Consciousness and Controversy -A book review by Norm Allen
Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon -A book review by Norm Allen
On Hypocrisy and Double Standards
Black Feminists and Hard-Core Rap Music
Why we Believe (or Not)
The “Myth of Progress”
More Thoughts on the Jehovah’s Witnesses
Good News from God? Really?
White Supremacy and Internalized Racism
Sexism in Organized Non-Theism
The Trouble with Faith and Religion
Already Missing the First Black President
Are All Stereotypes Created Equal?
Christianity Ain’t What it used to be
A Question (or Answer) of God
On “Operational Unity”
Bad Politics in the United States
A Ridiculously Biased View of Islam -A book review by Norm Allen
Humanists and Skeptics: An Uneasy Peace
Obama, Farrakhan and Islamophobia
Mein Kampf, Censorship, and Freedom
Frances Cress Welsing: Afrocentric Pseudoscientist
What have Non-Theists Contributed to the World?
Are Black Atheists Satanic Traitors with a Slave Mentality?
Half-Stepping Christians
Defending Science and Taking down Religion
Africa, Spirituality and Mental Illness
Church/State Separation Battles
On Misogyny, Intimidation and Shockingly Hateful Speech
Is Theism Ever Necessary?
On Morality and Legality: In Defense of Civil Libertarianism
God and (Opposite-sex) Marriage
The Downside of Altruism
Eurocentric Thought and Islamophobia: A Perfect Combination
The Unmitigated Horror of (Gasp!) Evolution
Standing on the Wrong Side of History
Organized Humanism in the Philippines
The Mystery of the Smart Religious Believer
God and the Problem of Evil
On Religiously Sanctioned Bigotry
God and Sports
Women’s Rights, Liberation, Religion and Humanism
Common Logical Fallacies and Cultual Criticism
Fifty Shades
On the Internet and Religion
January is National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month
Freedom to Blaspheme and Freedom to Hate
Who is a Sellout?
Did God Exist Before the Big Bang?
On Torture and Its Disturbing Apologists
Who Are the “Real” Chosen People?
More Thoughts on a National Conversation on Race
Farrakhan, Ferguson and Foolishness
The God of the (Rapidly Closing) Gaps
Sadly, the N-word Will Never Die
Victor Stenger: Physicist, Philosopher, Author, Skeptic, and Atheist Debater
(January 29, 1935 – August 25, 2014)
Searching for a Good Conspiracy Theory
Skeptics of a Different Color
Blaming the Victim and a Victim Focused Identity
What Children Are Learning in Sunday school
A Superb Defense of Atheism - A Book Review
On Racism, Homophobia, the West and Africa
Good Religionists and the Tony Dungy Factor
The Problem with Afrocentricity - Part I
The Problem with Afrocentricity Part II- A Book Review
On Black Non-Theism and Unity
On Humor and Its Not-So-Funny Consequences
Malcolm at His Finest - A Book Review
Secular Yet Religous
Is a Belief in Satan Harmless?
Black Love Affair with the Bible
Organized Unbelief, Social Justice and Branding
Duck Dyanasty Drivel
Humanist Benchmarks
Who Needs a National “Conversation on Race?”
Authoritarianism, Censorship and Civil Liberties
The Power(lessness) of Prayer
Legal Justice or “Just Us?”
On “True” Christians, etc.
Praise Gets in the Way
The Arrogance of Humanism, Another Black Non-theist Documentary
Contradiction, directed and narrated by Jeremiah Camara, 129 minutes 2013
A Review by Norm Allem
On Labels, Unity and Identity
On the Popes and “Sainthood”
A Need for Black Introspection: Beyond Trayvon Martin
Dissin’ Blacks in the Name of Science (Part 11)
Dissin’ Blacks in the Name of Science (Part 10)
Dissin’ Blacks in the Name of Science (Part 9)
Dissin’ Blacks in the Name of Science (Part 8)
Dissin’ Blacks in the Name of Science (Part 7)
Dissin’ Blacks in the Name of Science (Part 6)
Dissin’ Blacks in the Name of Science (Part 5)
Dissin’ Blacks in the Name of Science (Part 4)
Dissin’ Blacks in the Name of Science (Part 3)
Dissin’ Blacks in the Name of Science (Part 2)
Dissin’ Blacks in the Name of Science (Part 1)
You Can't (Win) with God on Your Side
Against Aggressive Secularism
More UFO Nonsense
Some Thoughts on Humanism, Animal Welfare and Animal Rights
The Worst Religious Extremists on the Planet
Another Caribbean Atheist Steps Up
From Mythology to Reality: Moving Beyond Rastafari, by Seon M. Lewis
A Review by Norm R. Allen Jr.
We Shall (Not) Overcome
Christianity and Black Oppression: Duppy Know Who Fe Frighten, by Zay Dilette Green
A Review by Norm R. Allen Jr.
Don’t Worry, Be Happy!
On the Link Between Religious Groups and Racial Prejudice
Humanism and People of Caribbean Descent
Theism, Tradition and Culture Versus Science, Fairness and Rationality
Slavery: Not Just a Relic of the Past
The Virtues of “Cowardice” and “Betrayal,” and an Appreciation for Genuine Progress

Norm R. Allen Jr. is the editor of two ground-breaking books,
He is currently writing a third book, SECULAR, SUCCESSFUL and BLACK: 25 PROFILES.
For 21 years, Allen had been the first and only full-time African American secular humanist to travel the world promoting secular humanism. He has spoken on numerous radio and television shows including National Public Radio and "the and/or strenghthen 72 humanist groups in 30 African nations. His writings have appeared in numerous books and encyclopedias, including VOICES FOR EVOLUTION, published by the National Center for Science Education.